I am waiting, waiting for you, Ina ...
YOLO! I had my first trip on The Cyclone last night after fried food, several beers, and a shot of Jamesons. Fantastic! I loved getting my SCREAM on--much needed! I started screaming prophylactically upon entering the car.
This is perhaps for CFB but what is to be made of the fact that the Cyclone and the first syncronized sound movies both unreeled in 1927?!
But oh the horror--thank goodness I didn't think about ROLLERCOASTER!
Awesome '77-disaster-film-era-(aging hollywood) cast, SENSURROUND and poor my dear RW literally phoning it in!
"Call him!"
Both trailers are fun:
Excuse me take note of the cast--what?
I did it! The ride of a lifetime! WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!